OK - In your own home, would you sprinkle salt onto a hard boiled egg over your floor (not into a napkin or over the sink, but over your bare floor)? My husband seems to think this practice is OK. If he's sprinkling salt on the floor right in front of me, what is he doing when I'm not looking???
Please let me know your thoughts...am I an anal clean freak (well, yeah I know I am...but we're talking about this particular situation) or is my husband a slob?
Ouuuu, tough one. Wouldn't really call Ian a slob - but he's a man...
Also, is there a reason he's mirror imaged in that picture??
Got to be the worst picture I've ever seen of my son. I'd worry more about that! However...rather than the Slob label, I'd say for Ian, the effect of salt on the hard wood floor just isn't on his screen of awareness so it comes off as not worth thinking about. I of course taught him differently but hey, what can I say! Maybe it is a aligned with the sterotypical male. Clean it up Ian!
Mama Linda
I say ... if Ian has salt to toss around mindlessly, then he needs more french fries in his life, and a bottle 'o good ketchup!
OK so eating over the sink kinda sucks but jeeeeshh... Get a plate Ian!
Steppin on salt in your bare feet on tile kinda sucks. However if it was carpet I think I might be caught guilty in the crime myself if I were feelin lazy. But not with witnesses! Have I taught you nothing Ian! Kidding! Love, Erin
Ian, Ian, Ian.....you are a very naughty man! Kisses, Hannah
Well, now that sounds exactly like something my husband would do...as well as clipping his toenails on the carpet. ewww!! I have chosen to just let these things slide and save my battles for the bigger things like wiping the rim of the toilet bowl...can he not see all the gross things that collect there when he's peeing??
First, I am in hysterics reading other comments! And in agreement, mom (and sister) taught him better, and yes, he is a man. With all that said, just grab a paper towel, Ian!!!
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