So much for diet and exercise! My grandma lives off cheese & crackers and wine (and one can't forget the stick of butter that she includes with every item on her plate..."I'll have a little more butter with that butter")... Not only that, she's NEVER been a really good eater...if it isn't fried or gobbed with mayo, she won't eat it. Just goes to show you that it's all in the genes, which doesn't bode well for me if I plan on dying young and keeping my butt out of some nursing home.
Anyway, it's all good news....86 years down...many more to come! Yay grandma!! We're still having a party and you are all still invited!!
I'll take two of what she's having!
I am so glad to hear Grandma is doing so well! What a relief!!!!! Yahoooo lets party!
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