This past weekend was our 6 year anniversary so we packed up the car and headed over to Tampa for a little escape and some roller coaster fun at Busch Gardens. We got a room at a nice B&B and made reservations for dinner at a place on the water (my camera totally hosed me and deleted all my pictures and started to give me an error message so no supporting pics for this blog).
Over dinner Ian and I got in a deep discussion about life and aspirations (mine mainly). I've known for a long time that I'm stuck in a rut. I work in a dead end job that has been sucking the life out of me for years and I don't really have any extra curricular activities that really get me excited anymore. Don't get me wrong...there ARE things that I dream about and would love to do...I've just never been one to follow my heart and that's where this blog is heading. Ever since I graduated from High School I've had a full-time job. I've always been responsible, I've always been good with my money and work hard to have the material things that I want and need. This, I suppose, was the way I was raised.
Whenever I consider things that I can (should) be doing to make my life more meaningful, I usually end up talking myself out of it. Where will I find the time, where will the money come from, what if I fail? I know everyone must ask themselves the same questions when making a big life decision, but I've never gotten past the what ifs. I know it's possible, I see people do it all the time...hell, I live with a man who is living his dream.
So, here it is. For as long as I remember I have wanted to fly helicopters (most of you probably already know this). My dream job used to be to fly for a TV station doing traffic reports. I've since changed that dream because I don't care much for the media or their (lack of) morals. I would HATE to be that helicopter flying around the DZ after an accident or around someone's home after a family member was murdered. Anyway, I digress, I still want to fly. And, one of the best
helicopter schools in the country is less than an hour from my house and training takes less than a is expensive though and I may suck at it. But with some help and support of my friends and loved ones...maybe I will make this dream come true. I've filled out the application, started retrieving my transcripts, and plan to sit down and talk to Trond (who is a current student at the academy). The wheels are in motion! Wish me luck! and kick me in the ass if/when I start to run away.