Monday, February 19, 2007

Snack Jacks

First off, I have to admit that I am a food snob. Not just a little picky, but full-on outright food snob! My friends say I should be a food critic…if it wasn’t for the writing part, it might be the job for me. I rarely give a restaurant a second chance if they fail to impress on the first visit…it isn’t, however, the story with my favorite beachfront beer drinkin’, crab eatin’ hang out.

The first time I went to Snack Jacks was not long after I moved to Florida. A friend and I were driving about checking out the beach when we stumbled upon this beat up and battered looking establishment. I was totally disgusted when shown our seats…the table was sticky and the place smelled of rotten seafood, which made it difficult to see the really beauty here. The menu seemed to be full of fried this and that – I can’t even remember what I ate, but swore I would never go back.

The second time I went to Snack Jacks was prior to the preview of Norman Kent’s movie, Willing to Fly. The showing was at an auditorium not far from Snack Jacks so that seemed like the logical choice, plus the locals loved the place (I could not understand why, but followed the group). This time I DO remember what I ate…a crab cake sandwich with fires and a Heineken. I remember this distinctly because several hours later, in the middle of Norman’s movie I began throwing up. I tried to ride it out in the parking lot, but my head was pounding and I felt like complete shit. I decided to leave Ian to find a ride home and drive myself back to DeLand. At the time I didn’t really know how to get home, but was able to make my way back on Hwy 11, which is quite desolate and back woods country. I remember pulling over on several occasions to vomit and preying to myself that freaky Jason doesn’t pop out of the woods with a machete. Obviously, that didn’t happen and I lived.

2 strikes and the place is off my radar, right?? WRONG!! I don’t really remember my next visits to Snack Jacks or when I changed my tune, but it has become one of my favorite places. I’ve made a couple of beach jumps there, brought our dogs there for a nice lunch on the porch, been bitten by a Chihuahua, gone there to fly kites, we take all of our visiting friends and family there…it’s just a great place with good vibes and cold buckets of beer.

Kolla and Scott moved not too far from there so this weekend Ian and I drove up there to drop off a dresser and to go to Snack Jacks for lunch. Kolla and I both got our usual, Yuengling and crab legs…mmmm yummy! But were mostly disappointed at our meal…Kolla described our legs as dried up crab jerky (which pretty much sums it up). About an hour after lunch my tummy wasn’t feeling too good and I skipped dinner…but I didn’t complain and will most defiantly be going back for another round!! Any one want to join me??

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Had to laugh!

So, my friend Stacie emailed me this in response to my last post...
felt the need to blog it (you can click on any image in my posts to make them larger).


OK - In your own home, would you sprinkle salt onto a hard boiled egg over your floor (not into a napkin or over the sink, but over your bare floor)? My husband seems to think this practice is OK. If he's sprinkling salt on the floor right in front of me, what is he doing when I'm not looking???

Please let me know your I an anal clean freak (well, yeah I know I am...but we're talking about this particular situation) or is my husband a slob?

Friday, February 9, 2007

Sometimes I still cry

Well, it’s been over two years now and I still find myself crying over my mom’s passing. (I also find myself still crying over my Maizee’s passing and it’s been almost a year now. I loved that damn dog) Is this normal? Or am I just a sentimental freak? I don’t really know. There are so many questions left unanswered.

Sometimes I’m sad because I don’t feel sad, but sometimes I cry because I miss the lost relationship (however dysfunctional it might have been), even after two years I still find myself reaching for the phone to call my mom to talk about things that are bothering me (I’m a bit dysfunctional on my own!). So what else is there? What happens when I’m all that’s left?? No brothers, sisters, mother, father, grandpa, grandma? The reality is a bit unsettling.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

New Toys

New camera on the way! I wanted it for my NY trip but decided to just swing by the store while I was in NY. B & H Photo is located somewhere in the city so we planned to swing by after our lunch Friday afternoon. Would you believe that the stupid store closes at 1:00p on Fridays?? WTF?

I've had several people recommend this tiny little camera, but I have to admit that I chose it because it matches my car and cell phone ;o)

Almost famous...

I'm in print! Well, not for the world to see, but as advertising on Justin's business card!! (and no, I'm not the naked one.)

Monday, February 5, 2007

New Years resolutions I've never really been one to make (or keep for that matter) New Years resolutions. This year, however, I'm giving it a go. My resolution for 2007 is to cut back on my drinking, go to the gym and lose a few pounds (23 to be exact).

One of the main reasons for the sudden decision to make this change is my grandfather. He can’t understand why I want to lose weight, and goes on to say that I’m “pleasingly plump”, “stacked” (oh yes he did!) and “big boned”. Those terms are nearly as endearing as the term I’ve axed from Ian’s vocabulary, “voluptuous”! My mom once commented to me, “you don’t eat that much, I don’t understand why you are so big…” must be your father’s genes. She always told me that my bio-father’s mother was a large Hungarian woman. Well, I think the genes that I got from my father have contributed to my weight gain, but have nothing to do with the “big woman” genes – my bio-father is an alcoholic.

OK – so until about a year or so ago I never realized how wine can affect your weight. Did you know that there is approximately 605 calories in a bottle of wine? Well, that’s nearly ½ of my daily calorie intake (if I did nothing all day, my body would need approximately 1400 calories to sustain: BMR). So, in all honesty, I’ve been drinking between a ½ and full bottle every night while I sit my fat ass on the couch watching TV (not to mention this is right before bed time!). This is worst that cramming my face full of cookies and ice cream before bed.

Problem #1 one, understood…problem #2…I don’t exercise. When it comes to exercise I am the queen of excuses. I don’t make shit up, but will easily grab on to anything to avoid exercise. I did, however, enjoy running but this came to an abrupt halt a little over a year ago when I started experiencing sever foot pain. Turns out that I have a Morton’s Neuroma. Relief from this ailment has not come easy – I’ve been to the Podiatrist, a myofascial release therapist, had cold laser treatments and most recently “the VooDoo lady” as Mary Beth has coined her. Her technique is some sort of cross between reflexology, acupressure, acupuncture and massage. She literally pokes you with a sharp stick (I thought Mary Beth was just joking when she said that)! The poke is quite painful, but we’ll see if I find relief…will blog more as the treatment progresses.

So, the point of this blog is…after a week and a half of spinning classes, sweating on the elliptical trainer and stairmaster and no wine during the week…I have lost 6 pounds! I’m actually pleasantly surprised and feel like I can get the next 17 off without too much misery! Wish me luck!